1. Release Your Content In Different Online Mediums
After Matador Solutions corporate reputation management requires defending your brand and the reputation of your senior executives from defamatory statements, bad press, and/or anything that creates or affirms a negative opinion among customers, partners, key stakeholders, or the general public. releases new content, we may choose to follow up with:
A YouTube video highlighting the content of our blog posts. Videos are a great medium for sharing content because those who want to engage, but not necessarily read 500 words, will be much more inclined to watch a 3-5 minute video.
Social media to help share our blog posts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.) Pushing content onto different social media platforms will not only help it become more viral through shares and likes; it will help increase the trust factor of your brand as you become increasingly visible in the public eye.
A press release announcing our more comprehensive blog posts or whitepapers. Press releases will allow you to push more positive content into search engine results, which is helpful for online reputation management campaigns.
Improving the level of engagement in your content, it’s “sharability,” and the amount of positive content Google reads about your business are all ways to improve your rankings in search engine results. This will increase your traffic.
2. Focus On Keywords With Less Volume & Less Competition
Of course you’d like to rank #1 for keyword phrases that are searched thousands of times every month. But be smart about it – if you’re engaging in a local campaign, depending on your industry, you may have to do a lot less than rank well for high-volume terms to win in SEO.
Make sure you’re always going after new keywords that have low volume, and thus low competition. After a year-long search engine optimization campaign, you’ll be in a much better position if you’re ranking #1 for 50 different terms, each of which receive 10 searches per month, than one keyword phrase that receives 500.
Improve your rankings slowly and methodically by focusing on these “long-tail searches,” and you’ll give your web presence a strong foundation to be found online through search.
3. Get Off Your Computers, Phones & Tablets
This method to increase Google rankings is overlooked by almost everyone. Most people focus so much on running their entire SEO campaigns online that they forget meeting and talking with new people is sometimes the best way to make a connection and improve your rankings.
Building real world human relationships with people in a face-to-face setting is one of the best strategies to obtain valuable links and find new PR opportunities. Increasing your Google rankings by meeting with people face-to-face is not a tactic many incorporate into their SEO campaigns, but it’s absolutely vital when it comes to networking and promoting your business.
Increasing Google rankings through a comprehensive SEO program is essential to drive more traffic and increase your revenue. Search Engine Optimization has become popular in most industries, and almost everyone running a campaign is doing the basics.
Differentiate yourself and increase your rankings by doing what others aren’t.